Another ICE-Detention Lawsuit Against Miami-Dade Moves Forward

With every day that passes, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez's 2017 order to hold federal immigration detainees in his county's jails seems worse. The Trump administration offered Miami-Dade virtually no financial incentives after the mayor loudly declared his county was not a sanctuary.

Instead, as civil rights groups warned, immigrants have sued. Today U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Williams ruled that yet another lawsuit against the county can move forward: This past July, multiple immigrants filed suit against Miami-Dade after they posted bail but were detained so Immigration and Customs Enforcement could pick them up and deport them. Williams held that Miami-Dade County can be held liable for unlawfully detaining people on ICE's behalf. She said the immigrants who sued have validly argued the county violated the Fourth Amendment, which protects against illegal searches and seizures.

Here Are the South Floridians Suing Over Their ICE Detentions

Here Are the South Floridians Suing Over Their ICE Detentions

Immigrants have also sued after paying bail but still being held in jail anyhow: 

And now, a group of immigrant-rights activists has hit the county with a class-action lawsuit, after multiple people were kept in jail on ICE detainers after forking over bond money. 

Miami-Dade's ICE Detentions Illegal, Suit Says

Miami-Dade's ICE Detentions Illegal, Suit Says

LAW360 - Miami-Dade County is violating immigrants' Fourth and Fourteenth amendment rights by detaining them on orders from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement without cause, according to a potential class action in Florida federal court announced on Monday.

An undocumented immigrant who was turned over to ICE after an accident sues Miami-Dade

An undocumented immigrant who was turned over to ICE after an accident sues Miami-Dade

MIAMI HERALD - Two undocumented immigrants picked up in Miami-Dade for driving without valid licenses are suing the county for turning them over to immigration authorities under a 2017 policy switch to avoid a promised crackdown by President Donald Trump on so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions.

Indocumentada entregada al ICE por un accidente de tráfico demanda a Miami-Dade

Indocumentada entregada al ICE por un accidente de tráfico demanda a Miami-Dade

EL NUEVO HERALD - Dos inmigrantes indocumentados detenidos en Miami-Dade por conducir sin licencia han demandando al Condado por entregarlos a las autoridades de inmigración bajo un cambio de política del 2017 para evitar un castigo del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump a las llamadas ciudades santuario.

Immigrants Sent to ICE Custody After Paying Bail Sue Miami-Dade County

Immigrants Sent to ICE Custody After Paying Bail Sue Miami-Dade County

MIAMI NEW TIMES - In the new suit, the immigrant groups argue that ICE detainers constitute unconstitutional, new "arrests" separate from the charges that send people to the jail in the first place. Courts across the nation have largely supported this idea. The suit says 882 people in 2017 and 219 as of this past February 2 have been held in Miami-Dade jails on ICE detainers, but ICE has not arrested all 1,101 detained individuals.

Con demanda, grupos proinmigrantes buscan detener colaboración del condado de Miami-Dade con ICE

Con demanda, grupos proinmigrantes buscan detener colaboración del condado de Miami-Dade con ICE

UNIVISION - Desde enero de 2017, Miami-Dade colabora con autoridades migratorias extendiendo por 48 horas la detención de una persona indocumentada arrestada por un delito para que pueda ser procesada por ICE. Este lunes, varias organizaciones de Florida anunciaron una demanda contra el condado buscando poner fin a esa práctica.